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Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
Sumit Saha

B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2021

Sumit is from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He joined the Behkam Lab in Spring 2023. His research interest is biofluid mechanics. He is currently working on the near-surface motile behavior and adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on synthetic surfaces and host cells with applications in the hematogenous spread of infection and carditis. His ultimate goal is to study the fluid mechanics of intracapillary bacterial transport for bacteria-based cancer therapy, applying both computational and experimental techniques. In his free time, he likes to cook, listen to 70’s and 80’s rock music, watch movies and soccer matches. He has been a devoted fan of Chelsea FC since 2006 (A choice he often has to regret due to their performance.)